Thursday, November 24, 2011

This is a poem written by a friend JOE whom I knew for a short time yet felt like id known him forever.

She stood alone on a summers day
looking down on the world where we were playing
the reds the blues they swayed around her
then she bowed down and we thought we may lose her again.
She is letting it in she is taking it easy now

I think She is going to stay forever in her
in her own clean world, veiling her eyes from the sunny weather
evening never comes in her own clean world and we stay, we stay. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Objective flight

Battle the sea deliberately
Oh place of charms of enchantments
Enchants no harm, enchants no harm

Come to the sea come to the sea
With me is all clarity
For all eternity

Cottle son stones
Stepping Stones of freedom
Circle o`er the past liberty

Not so long will it last
Here to be the light in me the light in you
Moving through the pain, a drink will never gain

Love and dignity for you I feel in me
Lose hold my hand, we will look it in the face
Toss it to God's Grace

Ship to shore
Oh place of enchantments, place of charms
Another battle o`er
With friends all around us forever more                                          For Michael, Caithleen Carter Steeves

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I feel the naked shadow strike off the wall
You gringe I cry
he strikes again!

Im passion and pain I search for you
I know my name i know you are there

You laugh he strikes again
I see the stark shadow of your back against the wall
We sleep                                                                   Caithleen Carter Steeves

want to bees

Camping beside a red neck camper
People from the city go, to camp-grounds
Go to camp,to cook,to live outdoors like a red-neck
Act awhile like they perceive a red-neck lives
Buying fire wood at Sobeys


Sitting around the fire side
With guitars, fiddles, and whistles
Lightening our cares and woes
In a spirit of friendship and kindness
The life of the poet grows

Deep into the centre where no one sees
Lives the song of freedom wild liberty
Rippling out upon the ear
Comes the tunes the riffs true and dear

Good health is wrapped in
A breeze of the trees
A kind word from the mouth
Sweeping up moments in the shinning sun
A voice to caress the soul                                                       Caithleen Carter Steeves

All Night Long Long Night

All night long I tossed on my bed looking for the one of my heart
I looked  for him but did not find him

I will get up now
I will go about the city
Through streets and squares

I will search for the one of my heart
I hear the call within my own heart                                             Caithleen Carter Steeves

here now

Here now we are living
Here now we still have joy
How shall we live apart in this moment
In fear and worry
Or rather hope, gratitude, and joy?
I am holding to hope
I rest well in joy. I am grateful in action
Thankyou to all beings for my life and homeward journey

Caithleen Carter Steeves

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Clean Streets

What is the worth of a city where there is no housing set in place for women who have live and work  on the streets??When times are tough the golden apples seem to be over the fence just down the road.Most of the women I met as a street worker were just looking for the golden apple of the moon.They came from a society where two generations their grandfathers were coming home from war the our colonised government set up alcohol drunk tanks called them legions and preached solidarity.
Sex has been around for as long as humans so has trading for it.Lots of money makers in the overall pictures of lawyers police Judges, even social workers, all war whores to the street worker who knows there is no change just support what is. This is the attitude I held.Acceptance is the only attitude for hope and promise for their happiness.
Here are a few tales of life on the streets as a worker in the social work field advocating for sex trade workers.
One evening after reports we were just getting our jackets when the phone rang."What do you think Jesus would say if he knew you were down there hanging around those wh....s!!!" her voice stony like ashes under a door.
"Well, mam  Good question,I know for a fact beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus is right here with us all the time too.Now you take care."  I hung up feeling a bit shook.What a stupid question.My partner said something like yep this work brings out all the goons. That was an understatement as I look back at all the agencies and their mandates  of services that they figured were going to raise them up.Up to their levels.Think again.
These women taught me so much about where I live and what compassion we lack.How we set up ourselves to fail from very early ages to believe we are victims and that our happiness depends on a love that is so child-killing its a wonder any of our off springs can move into a healthy life style and learn from their inner wisdoms at all.Fear of pregnancy, fear of failure, fear of being different and individualistic, fear of creativity and just fear of being afraid were what i saw in their after day night after night.But they knew how to laugh, they knew how to set up a sting so sweet you had to give them credit for their ingenuous ingenuity.Booze was their worst enemy and their best co-worker.They loved and hated each other. Compulsiveness, obsessions,  oppression  made for the funniest moments of survival.
We approached a women on her spot one night she was jonesing  hard for cocaine.Prancing was her activity as we approached her."What's the problem Missey?" OH GOD!!!! that stupid f.....r !!I just lost my trick.That stupid f.....r he forgot the DOG!!!! The John had come out saying to his wife he was going to walk the dog.The stories these men told their wives made you wonder what planet they were married on??

From time to time we went out to the Churches in the area.the question we were asked were very informative and helped up range our work into the disciplines of the community , however from time to time we would get a question from the wrong side of our attitudinal preference.  Women have no sense of authority even women in positions of power are mostly  acting in patriarchal ways.they dont want to chance being vulnerable and having to take a risk or stand up for what they really themselves believe due to experience or from doing their homework or soul searching.These women are in denial and on this after noon church tea we encountered this question: "What do you talk about to prostitutes"?"I mean how can you communicate with them what do you talk about? I smiled at the inference to myself on the inside."We talk about where to get the best haircut or where to shop for the best products like bread or milk or what type of sandwiches we like.Sometimes what condoms work well or who is nasty as a trick.But not often.We talk about the same things I talk about with most of my friends". They all looked relieved.We WERE NOT talking about their husbands !!!!Joking!!!
There really is NO Us or them, we are all living and breathing on the same earth under the same sun, there are many ways women can come together and dialogue for the better of our communities, when we stop working to the detriment of our bodies,when we stop diverting our pain into over achieving , and when we look at family values outside of our own here in North America, ie: Jewish, Arab, Amerindian, many of these cultures have been here way longer than we have and have a much healthier ancient perspective on the job of Prostitution and how to heal it into our fabric.  

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Little Warbler

Little Warbler by the fall window
Winds a blowin cool and crisp
Sit a knittin sit a singin
Little warbler where's you winter's nest

Caithleen Carter Steeves


Did I have any dreams before I met my friends?
Did life fly by for us so tender and true?
Deep in my soul there is a comfort
Voices blending rising eternally true
Friendships of a lifetime       ks

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Prayer

Here in the setting of the day
Tis inbetween pots I like to pray
No work no plans
No come no go
I ask my Lord for strength
I seek wisdom not my own
For I know not what should be
I teary here asking to be free
free to live well
That my life  may tell
T'is here the Holy witness dwells

Caithleen Carter Steeves

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A few words about,"Feelings into Words" by Seamus Heaney

Ever since the oral poets of the Ancient Celtic world fell into the scholarly abyss around the11 nth century only two poets seem to have enjoyed both popular and cortical acclaim. Yeats and now in the 19th century Seamus Heaney in the Celtic world of poetic art.His poems have a simplicity ,his early poems give a very acute account of rural Irish Life.His essay Feelings into Words proves he he has continued over his career and his writings to probe the depths of English literature while keeping his distance from it.He has been the recipient of the Nobel Prize in 1995 for literature
This essay is well worth the read for any his word's of great wisdom I am restored time and time again .to my resolve to write my feelings out on paper:"I intend to retrace some paths into what William Wordsworth called in the "Prelude" *the hiding places.
                                    "the hiding places of my power
                                     seem open; I approach, and then they close
Heaney is very much in the Irish tradition for he has learned to transcend the vision  of rural Irish people and recount his personal experience in terms of his countries history.For Heaney the personal is political and the political is personal..
                                  "I see by glimpses now; when age comes on,
                                   May scarcely see at all, and I would give,
                                   A substance and a life to what I feel.
                                   I would enshrine the spirit of the past
                                   for future restoration 

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Celtic Man's Embrace

If you have ever been loved by a Celtic man then you know the feel of the birds singing in the tree, you feel the sweet notes deep into your soul.You know the fullfillment of a lamb feast as you cast your eyes down onto  peanut butter sandwich.There is a sense that magic is all around you and you are eternal, sacred and the Queen of life.
You always and forever and a day feel like a Queen and the world is your court in waiting.The sea sings to the hues in the sunset as you walk and skip along its shores.You feel the mighty assurance of the ONENESS as he wraps his loving arm around your waist and smoothly kisses the tips of your fingers.He talks about the poetry and music of his ancestors.
Mirrage is not a piece of paper but a song in your soul the two of you hum and weave together for you have been in each others lives for a thousand lifetimes.You love with him at first sight!
You always have a camp with a pot for all who enter the door and a fire in the hearth to warm your feet, for the way is long.Friendship is endearing and friends are many and treasured dearly.
You have a sense of humour that shows you softly and gently how cunning and a bit stupid a woman you can sometimes contrive to be.You like your self more as time passes and foolish ways emerge into mature intentions of caring and gentleness of two becoming ONE.
A Celtic man has your soul warped in cunning nerve and stealthy courage.He'll take the backbone out of a snake to feed his family and then charm the snake into heaven and leave it laughing at its own demise.
When you arrive home after the long days wrestle with the world of affairs, the house is a mess the kids are dirty to the bone, as he has them playing a tune in their own hearts eternally flowing into their own song.Join in or get out!Guitar radio whatever can play a tune of life in flow!!!.
When you have been embraced by a Celtic man simplicity is the key to turn the knob of life with,for theirs is an inner- clock that is set to the fine rythyme of nature.He says I love you with sea trout in your fridge at five a.m. or when you stumble into the fridge to get some breakfast and there are two  pounds of scollops  sitting there.You have cereal he east the scollops.lolol  You go  off to work.
When you have the love of a Celtic man, God is in his heaven and all things work out for the best for all not just YOU!!!. You learn to be sincere and the rest can take care of itself, just show up and do the next right thing !!!
And the whole world thinks you have gone MAD!!!

Caithleen Cater Steeves


Would that from within heart
Ye ignite an eternal flame
Eternal message to the world

Would that you oh God
Search and reach into the destruction, deprivation, and loss
Your presence be a strength, a,knowingness, as sure as the green moss

So sweet Goddess,so pure so enlivening
In love and grace
Lift us to divine open flow with the Universe, our sacred cosmic space
Caithleen Carter Steeves 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Slow But Fast

The air is getting cold
while the scheme is getting old
I wonder what the darkness will unfold?

My days were only dreams when
little earthy greens caressed me.

Distant I am from all that
and what ran in all ways beside me

Slow but fast you"ll find your cast
with fractured bits and fragments,

Slow but fast its all the past
now the time has come
Caithleen Carter Steeves

For Fred

From upon my lids
Rise the darkness of your kisses

From upon my face
The shadows of your smile

From upon my soul
The lightness of your step
Walks away the road no more

Caithleen Carter Steeves

Saturday, March 12, 2011

March 11, 2011

Sitting around the fireside
With guitars, fiddle, and  whistle
Lightening our cares and woes
In the spirit of friendship and kindness
The life of the poet grows

Deep in the centre where no one sees
Lives the song of wild liberty
Rippling out upon the ear
Comes the tunes,the riffs true and dear

Good health is wrapped in the breeze of the trees
A kind word from your mouth
Sweeping up in moments, the shinning sun
A voice to caress the soul.

Cathleen Carter Steeves 

Tommy R.

The day I met Tommy Rousseau the sailor, it was a cold wet and raining day on Brunswick St. in Halifax Nova Scotia.I could of met Tommy in any city of the world at any time he was on the earth.He was a traveller on ships most of his life.Lived in Boston with is Grandmother who taught him all there is to know about antiques.
In the 80's he came to Nova Scotia with 10,000.00 to start  a business, he managed to stay out of Vietnam although he did have a few years in poverty along the coast of Hati.This is where he learned to drink like a fish he said one time.Booze and women!!Tommy liked his booze and beautiful women.
Im not sure how he got into the Buddhist thing but he loved it.Changed his whole way of thinking.Tommy was a hippie,a Buddhist, and just plain, good man.He loved people but not the stuff they got into.His friends were so eclectic and varied.He cooked for a living. He would cook for the poor the rich and al the working in between.He had a partner who was like his son or brother.He never stood in anyone's way of changes.He loved it all!!!Tommy never said he was a Buddhist, he liked  to talk about politics and then music and some of the cooking stuff.He never got too gossipy.Not good for business he'd say.He had a laugh that opened the whole world to the sound of laughter.Loved Jazz.Loved blue and wood.Boats were his infinity.
His eyes would light up a thousand times a day as people came and went in and out of his presence.Loved to work and stay in the flow of it all informed and engaged  in the lives of those around him at the restaurant he owned.He was not very materialistic just like to be warm and comfortable.
Tommy was very sensitive to a women, he did not like harshness nor my sense of humour at times.His first pass at me was so funny I still laugh at the memory of it.We were on our way home from Red Bank, New Brunswick where we had been involved in a nine day Spirit Walk, and he looked over at me in the van and said "we should go to a movie sometime".Being me I looked shocked and said "ya like Id go out with you!!" or some stupid, impetuous comment, always to get the laugh.It fell silent in the truck.We never went to a movie.He was in the drivers seat and just went on talking about the trip and so I never approached it again.It never dawned on me to apologise to him I just thought he knew I was joking and was not in the mood to joke.We shortly;y after than stopped for lunch.Fish and chips in a sweet little place he found on a back road I've never been in before or since.he had a way of making me feel so sweet I never thought of my social fo` pu` again.
We had a long drive that day coming from the Native American Spirit Walk in Red Bank NB. I was in love with him within an hour of meeting this jolly character, with the huge brown eyes.We were introduced and right away I got into why I was there "Im on my way to a Spirit Walk and we need a driver" He looked so surprised it almost sobered him up a bit."Ya, its time I got into something Spiritual for a bit,when do you want to go." Tomorrow at 9am was not to soon for him so off we went to Red Bank!!!We were together for almost two years every day after.He not only became our driver but did all the cooking on the trip and paid for it all too.I cannot imagine the people Tommy gave a hand out to and helped along the way.If I was late getting to the bank with my disability cheque, he would put it through the store.
He liked to remember where he came from.Said he sat on the church steps one day waiting for his mom to come from the bar for 5 hours he sat there age 9 or so.His grandmother was very upset.
He lived in a very useful way he did not take more than he needed.Except if it was a great pan of fish!!
He was a good man.Tommy was, a damn good man.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

dedicated to Dr.Cryil Bryne

Universities are trembling with commercial fame.
from sentence to sentence shadows glog the mind of man
Knowledge spoken precise and true, the art of giving no longer fanned
The fine content to snore, a grant, a foundation, a lamp a drawer.
Their dignity flickers,in a ritual of innocence billowing out to sea,
The children leave without considering the mind of manageability.

Trees are being slaughtered like men of yore,
Her beauty changed utterly their pain for the pay,
Gleaned through a blank stare as pitiless as the sun 

Schooling is ore`for another turn,my heart reveals this sad intimacy
This sacred time of yearning time of learning, found a daughter of poetry.
This sacred time of living at University.

submitted by: Caithleen Carter Steeves

Joe's Song

Sunday, February 27, 2011

For Winston: by Caithleen Carter Steeves

I remember sitting together in a room for hours saying no-thing
Picking up your books from the floor
As you had to hurry out to make life work for us

I remember framing your face in the hollow of my hands
Swiping the sweat from your brow
On the last few steps of a hike's incline

I remember blowing off the heat from a cup of coffee
Looking over into eyes that say stay stay stay

I remember the light in your step
the tickle of your whistling lips on my ears.
