Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A Prayer for my Mother

A prayer from the Grandmothers for my Mother Dorthy Mildred in gratefullness for the beauty I share in my daughters in this lifetime,and for my mother Ida
may the Great Spirit and The great Mother weave you a loving dream
                                                                       weave you a graceful dream
                                                                       weave you a centered dream
                                                                        weave you a joyful dream
                                                                       and heal you                          so be it so it is

Thursday, August 4, 2016


Patty  what a beautiful name
we met by the garbage can
me on a walk, her carrot cake slaine
good intension our laughter rang
on thought gone here and there
I walked away with a poem in my heart
She the beholder of the jewel in the artists game

Thanks Patty                                                                 Caithleen Carter Steeves


"Your adopted" said my Aunt
Never thinking her words would haunt
I was five and very much my curiosity alive
"What's adopted mommy?" my little voice did ask
"That's when daddy and me walked into a big room
and all the other babies past
"We chose you from all the rest"
That remark gave me a very large chest!!!
So right away I was quick to tell the others how special I had become
My cousin hurried home wanting to be adopted too from her mom.
So today no matter where I go there is a special place for me
my mother told me ,Im a child of God tis so tis so tis free.                                                                   Caithleen Carter Steeves

Thursday, July 28, 2016


Feel free to be me
Feel free to see all that is to be
Feel free to hear all that is beauty brushed with the wind
Feel free to lean like the wind into a tree
A stone, the sun


Saturday, June 11, 2016

morning feed

Two crows and a squirrel
Pecking away on the porch
Two crows and a squirrel
What a prefect match
The winds in the Trees howl
Golden hue, red and black
Seems strong as wet steel
Taking flight circling right
Thee blue Jay opens the gate


Saturday, March 12, 2016


Mother tree

Daughter light

Gently embracing rain

Vessel of delight

Roots nourished by the pain

Bliss in all that remains
